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Diverse Children’s Affirmations Keyrings – Empowering, Bold & Fun Accessories

Niles - Brown Boy Joy Affirmation Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Jamal - Brown Boy Joy Affirmation Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Kyrese - Brown Boy Joy Football Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Jamir - Brown Boy Readers Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

I Am Affirmation - Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Deja - Be You Tiful | Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Georgia | I Am Affirmation - Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Black Boy Joy Basketballer Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Double-sided Biracial Boy Footballer keychain made from clear acrylic. Perfect for young athletes to show their love for football and celebrate diversity. (63.5mm diameter)
Colorful bag charm featuring a hand-drawn illustration of a biracial boy playing football. Made in the UK from sturdy clear acrylic with a double-sided design. (Biracial Boy Footballer Keyring, 2.5 inches)

Biracial Boy Footballer Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Rasta Fairy Magic Keyring – Empowering Kids with Joyful Diversity! Perfect Bag Charm Gift | Fefus Designs
Rasta Fairy Magic Keyring – Empowering Kids with Joyful Diversity! Perfect Bag Charm Gift | Fefus Designs

Reading Changes Everything Lg - Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Reading Changes Everything Dk - Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Yasmin - Be You Tiful | Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Kahleeq - Brown Boy Joy Basketballer Keyring/ Bag Charm | Fefus Designs

105 kr

Keyrings With Affirmations Featuring Diverse Children

Our keyrings with Affirmations featuring diverse children are the ideal way for your kids to carry their keys or decorate their school bags in a vibrant and empowering way. We sell a wide range of bright and bold keyrings that look great whilst also representing children who don’t always see kids who look like them celebrated in these sorts of images.

The keyrings carry affirmations and bold statements that make them the perfect item to accompany your child on their way to school, starting the day on the right foot. These keyrings with labels that promote diversity and empowerment will give them the motivation and momentum to get out and rule the world!

Take a look at these keyring gift items and find the one that suits your little one. 


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